MESOZOIC - Between Extinctions
Around 252 million years ago the Earth experienced a catastrophic extinction of life. During the Permian mass extinction, 95% of all living species disappeared forever and the Mesozoic era began. This Collection is a visual abstraction of the Mesozoic journey. From the spontaneity of new creation after a mass extinction, to the establishment of life and form, all the way through to the chaos of another devastating extinction event which brought this era to a close...
Mass extinction events have occurred naturally throughout the history of this planet. Differing causes include: asteroid impacts, ice ages and the formation of supercontinents. In our story the Permian mass extinction marked the end of hundreds of millions of years of life, and paved the way for a fresh era of creation where new life would flourish…
After the spontaneity of a fresh beginning, new life began to grow. The first period of the Mesozoic era marked a time of hostile deserts that stretched across vast continents. During this period, a network of sandy rivers flowed in from the south and carved their way across the arid landscape...
As the Triassic period came to an end, so did the sand and dust. The second period of the Mesozoic era saw the creation of rich ecosystems and a new watery world was starting to take shape. Rocks began to form in shallow seabeds and reptiles began their reign across this new landscape. Structure and form was beginning to become seemingly more permanent...
The changing aquatic habitats continued to develop and the giant marine reptiles of the shallow seas were joined on terra firma by dinosaurs, and in the air by pterosaurs. These beasts swam, walked and flew across the landscape for millions of years. As time passed the shallow sea bed environment changed rapidly and we encounter a series of sandstone, grit and limestone layers that would go on to entomb the fossils of this ancient world.
At the end of the Mesozoic era, a cataclysmic event brought yet another seismic change to the planet. Most scientists agree that a huge asteroid, six miles wide, sped through space and smashed into the earth. Molten rock and massive ash clouds rained fiery destruction across the planet, causing mass devastation to all species.
Over a period of many years, darkness fell across the land, sea and air, and our Mesozoic era came to a close...